‘Tis the season for hot chocolate!
It’s the perfect Christmas image: Imagine a family sitting around a fireplace with the backdrop of a Christmas tree. Mom and dad are nestled close on the couch with the kids sitting on the floor in footie pajamas, mugs of steaming hot chocolate in hand that are over-flowing with marshmallows, of course. And, also, of course, we eat the marshmallows first. Right?
Oh, come on. Hot chocolate is good for any age, any time—except when it’s 110 in the middle of an Arizona summer. Over the years, I’ve collected several wonderful hot chocolate recipes and all of them are my favorite. Each one is good for different people groups or occasions.
The absolute best is the old-fashioned way: real chocolate mixed with milk and sugar and slowly simmered over the stove. But who has time for that? These recipes come close enough to pretty good without having to cave and buy Swiss Miss.
A few tips
As I typed out these recipes for you, I realize these recipes originate from my childhood and college years. The sizes of boxes and jars have changed. The amounts given are according to what was available “back then.” If you can’t find the right size of chocolate drink powder or coffee creamer, either do the math or estimate With these hot chocolate recipes, you don’t have to be accurate. Fine tune them according to your taste.
Need a fast gift idea for Christmas? Make up one of the large batches of hot chocolate mix. Put several servings in a decorative bag or tin, and include a note card with directions for the amount of mix to use with each cup.
What started the hot chocolate frenzy?
A friend’s search for a sugar free hot chocolate mix prompted my husband to suggest I share my recipes. So, in the spirit of Christmas cheer, let me share my collection of hot chocolate mixes, including one for sugar free.
Don’t forget the marshmallows!
1 cup cocoa
2 cups (or less) sugar
5 cups dry milk powder
1 cup coffee creamer
Mix all ingredients well in a large bowl. Store in an air tight container. Use 1/4 cup per cup of hot water.
1 Tbsp cocoa
2 Tbsp Splenda
1/3 cup milk powder
1 Tbsp coffee creamer (can be optional – coffee cream has corn syrup solids in it)
Mix all ingredients in a large mug. Pour hot water into the cup and stir well.
8-10 cups dry milk powder
2 cup non-dairy creamer
1 lb can of NesQuik (be aware – sizes of cans differ. Do the math or guess!)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
Mix well in large bowl. Store in air-tight container. Use 1/3 cup mix to 1 cup hot water.
This mix got me through my first year of graduate school and my first winter in snow country.
1 tsp instant coffee
2 tsp instant chocolate mix
2 tsp coffee creamer
Mix in coffee mug. Add 1 cup hot water. Mix well.
Hot Chocolate Mix #2
I like this version. The bit of powdered sugar makes for a smoother powder that mixes with hot water well. This would be my favorite to give as Christmas gifts.
1 8-quart package instant dry milk powder
1 10 oz box confectioners sugar
1 16 oz jar coffee creamer
1 large can Nesquik
Mix all ingredients in large bowl. Store in airtight container. Use ¼ c mix per mug of hot water.
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