Where in the world is Karen Wingate?
I’m here! I’m here!
A writer’s world is much like the work of a farmer, actor, or contractor. Work can be seasonal. Sometimes the projects and deadlines stack up; other times there isn’t work unless you propel yourself to work.
I hit a crunch time the last two months. It’s been both exhausting and exhilarating. What projects have I been working on?
Let me fill you in with what’s happening in my writer’s world.
Every year, I’m privileged to write several articles for the Lookout Magazine. Each year, I receive a list of themes for the year. In what is called query letter, I suggest an article idea for themes of my choices. If he’s interested in my idea and the editor asks me to write my suggested article, usually giving me six weeks to two months to complete the work.
I’ve been busy writing two articles for the Lookout. One, a comparison of the Pilgrims, Founding Fathers and members of the Stone-Campbell Movement, will come out in the July 2, 2017 issue. The other, an article on the shame Peter felt when he denied his Lord, will appear sometime in November. Follow my author page on Facebook so you can catch when these articles become available online.
The Roseville Women’s Club asked me to speak on the subject of “The Challenges of Visual Impairment” on June 7th. At first I didn’t like the title because it sounded like a downer. Then I thought, Wait a minute. I love challenges! Challenges are meant to be overcome. So the thrust of my message was how the challenges have made me a better person. It was fun. At the same time, I read Carol Kent’s book, “Speak Up With Confidence,” using some of her suggestions to craft my message. This took more prep time but I’m so glad I did!
The biggest project was revisions on my latest novel. If I made some major revisions, a publishing company is willing to reconsider my book. I’m so grateful they thought enough of the book to ask me to rewrite. This has taken many long hours over the last two months but I’m confident the book is better for the effort. Finally! The job is done, it’s been read by six wonderful, generous friends who were willing to give feedback, and now it is on its way back to the publisher. Will you join us in praying for the future of “Keeper of the Keys?”
What’s the book about? Well answer me this: As a Christian how would you/should you treat someone with a different belief system? Preacher Owen Merrill finds two young women from a religious sect stranded on the Oregon Trail. Passionate about the grace of God, he determines to put God’s Word about loving our enemies to the test and treat the women with the grace and kindness the Bible calls Christians to live.
What’s next in my writer’s world?
I’m making a lot of changes in the way I do blogs. Let me know what you think.
I’m starting work on a book about my improved eyesight. I’m so excited about this one. If you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you’ve seen my “What I Saw Today” posts. My dream is to produce a devotional/memoir style book with that title. Pray for me on this one too?
I’m making arrangements to take a research trip to Jacksonville, Illinois for a sequel to Keeper of the Keys. Did you know Jacksonville, Illinois was a major hub for the Underground Railroad?
Finally, in July, I’ll attend the Speak Up With Confidence conference directed by Carol Kent so I can continue to cultivate my speaking skills. My awesome agent, Linda Glaz, will be leading workshops at this writing/speaking conference, so it will be great to see her again.
Outside My Writer’s World
In other sections of my life, I’m busy helping my pastor-husband with ministry related work. Our little congregation just held an antique and vintage car show as an outreach event. What fun! We had fourteen cars displayed in the church parking lot, activities for the kids inside the building, and plenty of food for everyone.
Later this month, our women’s fellowship group will have a praise and testimony evening where we celebrate how God has answered our prayers for four women in our church who have gone through some heavy duty trials.
What about you?
How has God been using you to serve His people?
How has God carried you through recent tough times?
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