Let Me Tell You What God Has Done
Meet Karen Wingate:
Author of the award-winning book, With Fresh Eyes: 60 Insights into the Miraculously Ordinary from a Woman Born Blind. Karen shares her message of hope, help, and healing through her writing with Proverbs 31 Ministries, her personal blog, and her speaking to church, community and school groups. After years in located small church ministry, Karen and her husband have retired to the desert Southwest in Tucson, Arizona to be closer to family.

A Personal Note From Karen
I have known the sustaining power and presence of God throughout my life. At birth, my vision was like looking through a heavy shower curtain liner. Eight childhood surgeries improved my eyesight to a barely functional level. Still labeled as legally blind, I attended public school, gained three college degrees, raised two daughters, worked beside my husband in ministry in six different states, and maintained my own writing and speaking ministry. Always, God walked with me, showing me that He was able to provide, protect, and empower me to go far beyond what I could do in my own strength.
Then my vision began to deteriorate due to a torn retina that, at first, the doctor did not think was repairable. Through a series of God-sized interventions, I underwent surgery under local anesthesia in May, 2016 with little assurance that my vision would stabilize. During the surgery, the doctor repaired the tear, took the opportunity to fix several other issues, and then told me, “I guarantee you will be able to see better than you have ever seen before.”
Since then, I’ve been on a quest to discover all my new eyesight will allow me to see. In the process, I’ve seen God, His creation, and the people He loves in fresh ways.
Karen invites you to see what she saw in her latest book, With Fresh Eyes (Kregel, 2021).
Read Karen’s full story in the anthology, Life Changing Miracles (Bethany House.2017).
Join the growing community that celebrates with Karen their eyesight and what they can see in the Facebook group, What I Saw Today
Check back often for news about upcoming publication of Karen’s books.
Let’s chat for a moment…
Come walk with me for a few moments. Let me tell you how you can find God.
Recent Articles
Click on the link below to read some of Karen’s latest works.
“Looking for God in All the Right Places,” MTL Magazine
“Joyous Gratitude,” Encouragement for Today (Proverbs 31 Ministries)
Where you can find me!
What a transition we’ve recently made from central Illinois to southern Arizona! For my husband, it’s a well-deserved retirement to warmer weather. For me, it’s coming home since I grew up in the Tucson area. It’s a glorious treat to see this beautiful desert with my new and improved eyesight. While I’m open to speaking venues throughout the country, I’m particularly interested in reaching out to local groups. If you live in the Southwest and are looking for a speaker, let’s talk.
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