What life experience would you like to put behind you?
Runners and horse racers call the three-quarter section of the race the backstretch. You can’t see the finish line. Your muscles or your horse is tiring. Although it’s no longer than any other section, it seems never ending. The hardest part of life is always the longest. Our souls cry out for those painful times to go away. How much more can we endure?
You aren’t alone. The writer of Psalm 13 confronted God about problems that go on too long. He asked, “How long, O Lord?”
Read Psalm 13
1. From the description in verses 1 and 2, what is the Psalmist tired of? What situations does he want to be over?
2. Look at verses 3 and 4. What does the writer fear might happen if God doesn’t answer? Why is the reaction of his enemies a concern to him? How does our failure to stand firm a victory for the devil?
3. Read verses 5 and 6. Like many of the Psalms, the writer shows a progression in his thinking. What resolution does the writer come to at the end?
4. In the midst of this difficult time that the Psalmist would rather have go away, he says “I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me.” Is this realistic? How can we praise God in spite of the struggles we face?
5. How is waiting for God’s timing a sign of our trust in God?
6. Name a difficult situation currently happening in your life. How can you trust in God’s unfailing love during this situation?
7. Write a list of the ways God has already been good to you. Spend a few private moments praising God for what He has already done for you. Tell him that you will trust Him during this current backstretch time of your life, that you surrender the waiting into His more capable hands.
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