My friend, Teresa, teaches knitting and crochet classes at a local craft store. Recently, she has started to facilitate a “Community Stitcher’s Group” at which the ladies knit or crochet lap blankets for area nursing homes. It’s a group of three core ladies but others often will donate blocks to the group that the three sew together to make the lap blankets.
Recently, Teresa mentioned on Facebook how a lady they didn’t even know came up to the group and gave them a $50 gift card. “She said it was the end of the month and she had a little left over, and thought we could us it,” Teresa noted.
I love it!
It makes me think of the verse in 2 Corinthians 9:8 that says, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” Then, in verse ten, he continues, “Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.”
That is so very cool! When I do good to others, I don’t have to fret that I won’t have enough for myself. God will not only supply my needs for myself; He will give me such an abundance that I can continue doing good to others.
God doesn’t bless us just so we can live comfortably. He blesses us so that we will have enough to bless others! Just like the chain stitch of a crochet pattern links one loop of yarn to the next, creating a beautiful, useful afghan, God’s blessings connect with other blessings, covering a whole bunch of people with His love, grace, and glory.
Just like $50 gift cards and lap blankets for nursing homes.
“He blesses us so that we will have enough to bless others!” Such an awesome reminder. Thanks Karen!
And thank you, Tom, for your kind words. Teresa’s story is one of those that wrote itself. I’m thankful she allowed me to share it.