Do you ever have down days?

Come one, all of us have been in a blue funk at some point or another.
What do your down days look like? More down than a goose has on its belly? More low than a slithering snake?
Do you feel helpless? Hopeless? Inferior? Insecure? Useless? Unworthy? Unfit for human consumption?
How about this? Disposable. Invisible. Of no earthly or heavenly value to anyone. Like you aren’t contributing anything worthwhile to the betterment of society or even your family, for that matter?
Have any of those descriptions fit you at some point?
I’ve had more down days of despair than I care to admit. Feelings of unimportance roll over me with the force of a ten ton steam roller. I’ve heard that creatives often deal with bouts of doubt. Maybe the rejection of our creative efforts gets to us in the darkness of the night. But something deep within me says we’re not the only ones. Not by a long shot. Most of us probably feel fairly confident and competent—until life and critics tell us otherwise.

Even the most self-possessed among us have down days of doubt, feelings of unworthiness, and pity parties that that are expansive and expensive. Have you noticed that pity parties take up a lot of time and energy, and have a costly impact on those we love? Just ask George Bailey from “It’s A Wonderful Life.” For a while George felt like the world would be better without him. And boy howdy, was his family worried about him for a few hours.
In contrast to our feelings, a whole host of Bible verses tell a different story. They speak of value to God. They tell of a God who loves each person lavishly. They speak of God’s friendship, dedication, and delight to His highest and best creation.
God’s Word states His opinion of us.
Try on a few of these:

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” – Zephaniah 3:17
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” – 1 John 3:1
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” – Romans 8:35
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5

Not only does God say He loves me; He demonstrated how worthy I am of His grace when He sent His Son Jesus to die in my place. Not because I deserve it. The reason he died for me in the first place was because I was covered with the scum of sin. I’m worth loving simply because I am His creation. He values all of us, no matter what we’ve done to Him or what life has done to us.
Nice words. I still don’t feel it. Let’s think this through. Do you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God? Do you believe that all of it is truth given by God? Do you believe that what it says about Jesus—his life, death, and resurrection—is true? Do you accept on faith the accounts of creation, Noah’s flood, and Jesus’ miracles?
I’m sure you do. Here’s the clincher though. If you say you believe the biblical account, you must also accept what the Bible says about you and God’s relationship to you.
You are valuable. You are worthy. You are useful. God has plans and purposes for you.
It’s basically a matter of faith. I take on faith the big things like the existence of God, the divine design of the world, the birth, death, and resurrection of Chris, and the existence of Heaven. Why not accept on faith God’s value of me?
Feelings are deceiving. Feelings of unworthiness are false accusations straight from the enemy’s mouth. We can choose to buy into what God says about us or into what Satan says.
It’s not just feelings, is it? Maybe life events tempt you to think you’re unworthy of the good life. Maybe those closest to you have sent the not so subliminal message that you aren’t worth the ground you walk on. Perhaps your family said as much or treated you like you were unworthy of their love.
Consider Psalm 27:10
“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”

In those moments when you feel unimportant, remember that God’s opinion of you is very different. Just take His Word for it.
After all, it’s a matter of faith
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