We call her the Energizer Bunny.

Somewhere in her mid-seventies, Mary Lou could work circles around the younger women in our church. The kitchen is Mary Lou’s domain. She serves as one of the leaders of our congregation’s Wednesday night meals. She helps prepare snacks for our children’s outreach program on Tuesday afternoons. She assists with funeral dinners, church pot-lucks, and VBS snacks. If we have any event dealing with food, Mary Lou is certain to be found bending over the oven or a sink full of dishes. We’ve teased her about bringing in a cot to set up in the corner of our church kitchen because she is so often there. Only very occasionally do I hear her admit that her legs are a bit tired when she gets home of a night.
But I don’t think she stays down for long. One evening, after all of us had put in a long day at a funeral and funeral dinner, I called her on another matter. Jim, her husband, answered and told me he would have to go find her – he thought she was in the kitchen preparing food to take over to a needy family the next day.

Com to think of it, she does remind me more of an eagle and that wonderful verse from Isaiah 40:31:
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint.”
Hope means waiting with eager expectation for what God is going to do. Active hope is doing what God wants us to do, expecting and depending on Him to give us the resources we need to do the job.
And God is faithful. Not only does He provide, but He provides in a big way, doing big things that are above and beyond the norm in ways a watching world will notice. Like giving a dedicated older servant the energy to do hours of kitchen service that will bless an entire community of believers and reach out to kids who desperately need to know the love of Jesus.
After all, the snack lady is a very important person. Isn’t snack time a kid’s favorite part of VBS?
Philippians 4:13 really is true. We can do anything through Christ who gives us the strength to do it. The way Mary Lou can just keep going like the Energizer Bunny shows just how true that is.
How has God helped you “just keep going?”
What a blessing for your church! And what an example for those around her. Any church with a “Mary Lou” is truly fortunate. Thanks for posting, Karen!
She is indeed a blessing. And we’ve discovered that in all the churches we have served, there is always at least one servant hearted person like her. Thanks for your comments.
It’s so amazing to serve alongside people like Mary Lou. They’re so encouraging and make the rest of us slackers want to get out there and keep going.
I’m so thankful the Lord sees what is in our hearts and that He sees the work we do and the efforts we make to be like Him that others do not see. Unlike some people who make me feet like a slacker compared to them, Mary Lou inspires me to keep going. Thanks for making that connection for me, J’nell.
Mary Lou sounds like a lovely, giving person. A good example for us all.
I know of a Mary Lou and husband, Jim. They are up in age, too. Wonder if they could be the same persons?
Aww, what a servant’s heart and what a lovely tribute to your friend, Karen.
“Even youths grow tired and weary…” but not Mary Lou! Remind me of that hte next time I’m feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities. God’s been reminding me lately that when we’re willing to extend ourselves past our own strength to honor Him, then He supplies us with HIS strength. Mary Lou is a great example of that.
When you’re not looking I’m going to kidnap her and plant her in our church! 🙂 Not really. What a blessing! I love people like her! Thanks for sharing her with us.
Ah, Karla, I’m guessing there is at least one behind-the-scenes, servant hearted soul in your congregation. At least it seems like there is always one like that in the churches we’ve served. You are right – people like Mary Lou are tremendous blessings.