Waiting for Christ’s return is like waiting for a publishing company to accept my book manuscript.
Just call me a lady-in-waiting.

As many of you know, I have spent the last several years submitting my first novel to a roomful of publishers and agents. I feel like a recipient on a kidney transplant donor list. Nothing yet, but slowly, ever so slowly, I’m edging closer to the top of the list, the moment when my name will be called and I hear the magic word, “Yes!”
I’ve had companies and agents reject my manuscript. I’ve had a couple of companies show interest but, as I pondered their offer, I realized they were a facsimile of what I could have – a stable, solid, traditional publishing company. I found a wonderful agent, Linda Glaz, through the Hartline Literary Agency who has become a fantastic promoter, encourager and cheerleader.
The future of my book is looking brighter and brighter. We’re so close — but not there yet. I have to admit, I’ve been tense. Downright antsy, my husband would say. The thought of getting a book published is never far from my mind. I check my email several times a day, checking for Linda’s name on each email. Every time the phone rings, I admit I think, “Could this be the call?” My family is getting in on the action. All one has to say is, “Have you heard yet?” and we know what we are talking about!
Now, lest you think we’re all obsessed with getting this book published and that this is taking over my life, let me assure you, it has not. I don’t sit around dreaming of book signings and five digit royalties. (Really. It’s true.) Instead, I’ve completed my second novel, worked on several magazine articles, acted as a forwarding agent for my missionary intern daughter, taught Sunday School, led the music once a month in my church and many other activities. My days are full.
In fact, I know I will be a better published author if I keep writing, researching, producing, and serving. When that call finally comes and an editor wonders if they can have more than a one-book relationship with me, I can confidently say, “I’ve been working and I have another book ready for you.”
I’m still waiting.
Eagerly waiting! Even though I don’t know when, I’m hoping that call will come soon.
Christ is coming back!
As I’ve waited for The Big Call, I’ve thought, “Shouldn’t I have the same sense of anticipation about Christ’s return as I do in waiting for my book to be published?” What would it be like to feel that tension, that constant longing, that one ear cocked, that spirit of rejoicing every time historical events reassure me that we are one step closer to His return? That sense of, “I need to get as much done as I can so I can present a bigger harvest to my Lord.”

I may never get my book published. Christ’s Return is far more certain than the publication of my book. And as much as I’ve longed to get a book published and I’ve waited and worked and waited some more for this moment, I think I can honestly say, Christ’s return will be infinitely more important and exciting than getting a book contract. In fact, it’s fine by me if Christ decides to come back before my book is published. When He returns, only the work done in His name to glorify and honor Him will matter anyway.
So I’m still waiting. I’m waiting for Him. Even though I don’t know when, I’m hoping that call will come soon.
In the meantime, I intend to keep busy.
Reading your article made me think of another question… If Christ should come the same day as the coveted book contract, would I lament that my book wouldn’t still wouldn’t get published or would I rejoice in Christ’s coming? This too might help us gain perspective on what our highest priority should be.
I like the comparison, Janice. When Christ comes, I don’t think any of us will be saying, “Wait a minute, Lord, I have to . . . ” If we do, we’ve got a little mix-up on our priorities. His return is better than anything else we can anticipate.
What a great comparison. I’m glad to see you’re not losing hope. I still don’t have my first book published – but I had a different one published in December, another will be released in August, and three more contracted for next year! Amazing, this world of publishing.
Getting a book published is truly a walk of faith, of trusting that God’s timing is perfect and that He knows what is best.
Isn’t it strange that we think we have a better idea than God about perfect timing? There is a part of me that wants to make sure and not waste a single second before His return or the day He takes me home because there are so many stories to tell — but if we are in His will according to His plan — He has already determined the number, right? We humans are so silly. I loved this post and your blog is delightful! Write on, Karen!
Thanks, Karla. A good reminder. He’s got it all worked out.
Good reminder of the waiting process:-) It took awhile, but my 1st Historical Romantic Suspense is finally published….and you’re right it feels like the waiting takes forever. I like your thoughts of keeping ‘at it’ during the waiting process! Thanks for sharing 🙂