For 43 years, Karin Fendick lived without Christ.

Now, in a few weeks, she and her husband are headed for Africa to proclaim God’s kingdom in that land. I caught up with Karin in the midst of boxes, paperwork and vaccines to talk about the life change she has experienced. Karin has such a lyrical quality about her writing that I have left her answers in the free flow poetic style so characteristic of her blog, Flickers of a Faithful Firefly. If you want to enjoy the words of a life set free, I encourage you to enjoy the beauty surrounding this website and rejoice with Karin at God’s good gifts. Here’s Karin’s story of transformation:
Tell us about your life before you committed your life to Christ.
My family background was reformed Judaism which I rejected.
I knew and believed there was a God, but was never taught of Jesus
I had more than four decades behind me
before I came to faith,
forty-three years of directing my own story
comedy, tragedy, horror film
I lived for myself only moment by moment
grabbing whatever pleasure the world tried to offer
I laughed at the idea of sin, hell
didn’t worry me, I joked
at least there I would finally be warm
What was the determining factor in your choosing to turn and start to follow the Christ?
I was learning to navigate
the new world called “the internet”
chatting to strangers for hours
God chose one man as His mouthpiece
and in His perfect time
softened my heart to hear
He introduced Himself
through His Word
after I purchased a pocket New Testament.
Beginning in Matthew 1
my dive into Jesus was fast
hard and deep
total submersion, much like baptism
even before I took that step
of public declaration
How did Christ transform you?
I thought I needed to be perfect before I came to God. Perhaps out of total exhaustion, I took that giant leap of faith He had been requesting all along. On a long car ride home from work one evening, I spoke aloud to Him, confessing I could never be good enough on my own, I needed Him to shape me, set me on the right road. I thanked Jesus for all His sacrifice on my behalf, and asked Him to be my Savior. I continued talking out loud, not so He could hear my words, but so I could better hear them. I knew He was there in my car with me, knew then that He had always been there with me, waiting with astounding patience for me to merely come to Him and ask.
He promised:
A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26 RSV)
The hard bitter woman I once was is gone, what remains is a disciple who weeps in rhythm
to the beating of His heart.
How did Christ call you to serve in another culture?
The Lord says “go” and the echo vibrates in our spirits.
Our very short term in Uganda in 2007 cemented our desire for more.
He says, “Listen to My heart”
and I hear a cry for justice, compassion, freedom.
Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world. James 1:27 The Message
Yes, we hear and our hearts tremble. We hear and eyes grow damp. We hear and we know and we can’t deny His call.
What does the word “grace” mean to you? How have you personally experience God’s grace?
acknowledgement of my filth
and forgiveness of the same
walked hand in hand
the exchange of my wretchedness
for His righteousness
a transaction solid and complete
abundant grace
that still brings me to tears
As you leave for Africa, how can we pray for you?
we would love if you would pray
that our hearts would continue to soften for the people of Malawi
that we would shine brightly with His light where ever we are, right here, right now
that we would walk in integrity, humility and love
Karin Fendick and her husband Rick are two more prisoners set free who march in Christ’s triumphal entourage of grace, two souls who are willing to publicly display the transformation God has brought about in their lives.
Father God, we pray for Karin and Rick in their final preparations, both material and spiritual.We pray that You would prepare the hearts and minds of the people in Malawi, that You would till the soil of their wills to accept the message Karin and Rick will bring to them of Your redeeming love. Thank you so much that You can and are willing to transform us, that instead of turning in disgust at our sin, You are willing to reach into our ugliness, clean us up and set us free. Thank you that You have done that for Karin and Rick. Thank you that You have put into their hearts the compulsion to share that life giving message with others who need You so desperately. To You be all praise, glory and honor. Amen.
Thank you Karen
for the opportunity to flicker about on your pages
ever desiring to shine His light
you are a blessing to many
and I pray the blessing is returned to you multiplied!
Thanks for gracing us with your story, Karin. And we will continue to pray that the Lord lead you to places where His grace particularly needs to be reflected.
Karin! It’s so good to run into you heer. I’ve missed you and your writing and loved hearing your testimony. So very glad you’re getting to go back. I’ll be praying for you guys.
thanks Patty
good to see you here too!
let me know if you want to be on our newsletter mailing list
I do! I do!! =] I’ve tried going to your website but can’t get it to load. *pout*
patterly {at}gmail [dot]com
Inspiring interview. I am always thrilled when one of Israel’s children comes to the Father through Jesus. Amazing story.
What beautiful hope for those of us who have family members who haven’t given themselves to Him. Wishing you blessing, protection and hearts over-flowering as you work where God has brought you!
and He loves those lost ones so much more than we ever can
trust that He is still at work