What is your first thought when you wake up in the morning? Okay, coffee doesn’t count.
Let’s start over. If you immediately move into prayer mode, what’s the first thing you pray for?
I admit, more often than not, my prayers immediately aim toward my two adult daughters, that God will give them wisdom, keep them safe, and help them make godly choices.
Sigh. I’m not asking the right questions. Okay, third try. Before you set your feet on the floor, how do you pray for the coming day? Uh, what should I be praying for? Is there a Scripture on this?
There’s a cute story about the person who prayed something like this. “Lord, I’ve done well this morning. I haven’t cussed. I haven’t lost my temper. I haven’t eaten anything I shouldn’t. I haven’t hit anyone and I haven’t had any inappropriate thoughts. But now I’m getting out of bed and I’m going to need Your help.” Does anyone have an accurate source on this? Share!
For several years, during an intense time of ministry, I prayed the following before I opened my eyes each morning. “Lord I’ve got an idea of how today will go but I don’t know for sure. You know. Help me be ready for whatever comes my way. Help me to cope. Give me wisdom. Prepare my heart to accept and flow with the surprises of my day.” With my husband in a ministry where he did ninety funerals in seven years, that was a very needed prayer.
I found three good things to pray before I get out of bed from Moses’ encounter with God. Moses was at the pinnacle of Mt Sinai receiving a second copy of the Ten Commandments from the finger of the Almighty. The Israelites had already broken several of the commandments before the paint was dry on the stone tablets by erecting the golden calf and succumbing to revelry of the sordid type. Moses trudged up the mountain to have God fashion a new set. There his passion and zeal for the God he served poured forth and he made three requests before he left that holy moment to lead his people. They are three prayers I need to pray each morning:
That I may know You (Exodus 33:12,13) Moses’ time with God proved that our faith is not a religion based on keeping a set of rules and following protocol. It’s a relationship with a living, divine Being. The more we know God, the more we will understand His solutions to everyday problems. It’s easier to obey any directive when I understand why the person in authority is asking that of me. The closer I get to God, the more I love Him and want to do what He asks of me. Moses longed to know God, to see what made God tick, to see His glory for himself.
That I may walk with You (Exodus 33:14). Walking alone to an unknown destination can be scary. I like being by myself. I enjoy the peace and quiet. It’s fine until something happens that is beyond my control. Then it’s not so peaceful and restful.
I don’t know what each day will hold. I’d really like Someone with me who does know, who can steer me away from the land mines, and hold my arms as I scale the boulders. God is the best one to fill the bill. He promises He will be with us. Check out Matthew 28:20, and Joshua 1:9. He promises me peace and rest when I am with Him (Isaiah 26:3). I just have to ask.
That You will reveal your glory to me (Exodus 33:16). In his human state, Moses could not stand to see the full brunt of God’s glory. Yet God revealed enough of a glimpse that Moses saw and knew he was dealing with the divine Presence, enough that Moses glowed with the reflection of God’s glory after he descended the mountain.
That’s what I want. I want to see that God is here, that He is working and moving in the world. I want others to see that as well. I’d love it if the Lord used my life to reflect His glory to others, not so people will think well of me but so they will long to draw closer to the Lord I love.
Okay, here we go. Don’t open those eyes yet. Take a deep breath. Wiggle your toes and rotate your ankles. Take a deep breath and bend those knees. The dog doesn’t need to go out yet and you’ll survive one more minute without coffee, tea or cola. Let’s pray.
Lord, help me to know you, to know your ways, and to know your favor. Help me walk in your presence and in your peace. Reveal to me your glory, your power, and your majesty. Let my life be so filled with your radiance that others will recognize You and long to walk with You too. In the holy name of Jesus, Amen.
“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” – Psalm 5:3
What does your morning prayer look like?
Just what I needed to start my morning. Love that as the leader of the Israelites, Moses was more interested in seeking God first and desiring more of God.
Oh yes! Thanks for sharing the Exodus passages. I usually wake up and thank Him for being there but will add this too. Love the website design!
Thank you! And what a good reminder to thank the Lord for already being there.
I love this. It is so important to focus on God. Another way to say it is, we will be blessed when we focus on God. I hear some Christians talk about needing to hear a word from the Lord or others saying to a Christian friend , “I know God’s favor is going to come to you by the end of the week.” They are focusing on their circumstances rather than the awesome God of the universe who already has His plan in motion. The righteous have God’s favor all the time. If we don’t know it we aren’t paying much attention to God. If we are in God’s word we would know God’s word for us. To begin our day with a prayer like this will only heighten our expectation of what God will do as we move through it with Him ready for each opportunity. And our God always surpasses our expectations! Ephesians 3:20-21
i don’t usually write posts or comments on articles but your blog was so convincing and is written with such diligence i had to praise. great work !