A website update is like a new kitchen.

When my husband and I have moved from one house to another, we’ve saved all kinds of things, thinking we’ll certainly use those everyday items in our new house. But nothing is the same. Less wall space. Different sized windows, cupboards, and cabinets. Bare floors that mock my vacuum cleaner built for carpet. A kitchen with lovely shelves that don’t allow room for a tall carton of oatmeal or a large bottle of cooking oil. Everything is out of place and by the end of day, I find myself out of sorts. I mutter under my breath. I hate moving. Why couldn’t we stay where we were?
In this latest move from our old-style parsonage to a double wide mobile home, it was only when I started moving around my kitchen, adapting to the changes, and using the features, that I began to appreciate the advantages. I’ve never had a designated pantry before. And the pantry has shelves that roll out so I can easily see what food I have on hand. There’s a wide counter separating the kitchen from the dining room, making serving so much easier. And I now have room to server more than two guests in my spacious ding room. So what that my oven door doesn’t open all the way as it knocks into the refrigerator. I hadn’t realized that my last oven had quirks that didn’t bake my homemade bread quite right – it always overbrowned on the outside. Now bread loaves evenly cook on the inside and outside.
What’s happening with Grace on Parade?
I’m so excited about my new website update. Theresa Wagar of Coastal Waters Creative had outdone herself in this major renovation. In about three weeks, we’ll unveil the website update that will serve as the backdrop for my writing and speaking ministry.
Some things will be different. Other things won’t be in the same place as before.
Grace On Parade: For one thing, we’re minimizing the name, Grace on Parade. You’ll still be able to find my website by typing in www.graceonparade.com. But in light of my coming book, we felt more people could find my website easier and the website would make more sense if we featured just my name.
Blog Categories: We’ve merged blog categories, again, feeling the old categories were cumbersome and confusing to new readers. All my blog posts are still there, like the Bible study blog posts; the categories will just not be as evident.
Who’s that gray haired woman? We’ve put lots more pictures in the website and yes, I now have gray hair. I’m not old, I’m just prematurely gray and I chose to own who I am. God made me to have gray hair early, so I’m making the choice to be who He made me to be. It’s a good reminder to me to reclaim the rest of me as I am. (Hey, I encourage you to do the same. It’s rather liberating. And in the case of hair color, it saves a ton of time and money.)
What else is new?
Newsletter signup: We want to make it lots easier for you to sign up for my monthly newsletter. Signing up lets you know about new blog posts which will save you the hassle of having to check back for my latest. It also invites you to join the inner circle of my ministry so you can keep up to date on the progress of my books and my other writing and speaking opportunities. You’ll also have access to other perks and giveaways.
Recipes: I’ve still retained my recipe file because so many of you have enjoyed my recipes that connect to meal ministry. We’ve used a website plug-in that gives the recipes a brand-new look. Best of all, when you click on a recipe page, there’s a button at the top that lets you skip right to the recipe. Printing out the recipe will be a lot easier too.
Videos: My videographer, Jason Seggelke, did a fantastic job of showcasing the new slant of my ministry. I hope you love his work as much as I do.
Speaking: We’ve updated my speaking topics and streamlined my contact page. Check it out!
Books: Most important, the Karen Wingate website update will feature and promote my book, With Fresh Eyes, and leaves placeholders for future books. You’ll find information and links on how you can get a copy of my book. We are all so very excited about this book and how we see God directing its publication. I want you to get a copy of With Fresh Eyes because I believe you will see Jesus and his world like you’ve never seen it before and that’s what I want most for you.

Final change
Check back often so you catch the new look of the Karen Wingate website. But don’t despair if you can’t find it one day. We’ll need to shut things down for 3-4 days to set everything in place. If you see an “Under construction” notification, that means the new site will be up and running very soon, so just keep checking back.
What changes are you facing?
Just like my new kitchen and new website, yes, changes happen and changes can be frustrating as we learn to acclimate. Keep moving around the change you face, learn to use it, and stop to ask yourself how it has actually made life better.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new look of my website. Let me know what you think!
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