What wonderful comments from so many of you regarding our list of character traits from A to Z. Thank you for sharing your ideas of what we can BE for God. Someone made the excellent suggestion that I compile and post a final list from all the suggestions I received. Here it is:
Awesome, Accountable, Awestruck, Accepting, Abounding (in the work of the Lord)
Beautiful, Bountiful, Blessed, Bendable, Beloved, Bold,
Caring, Courageous, Creative, Content, Cheerful, Constructive
Daring, Disciple, Disciplined, Discerning
Encouraging, Energetic, Excited, Eager for Christ’s return
Forgiving, Faithful, Forbearing
Generous, Gentle, Gracious, Good
Holy, Humble, Honest
Inspired, Innocent, Imitator of Christ, Immovable
Just, joyful
Loving, Lovely
Merciful, Meek, Modest
Nurturing, non-conformist
Obedient, Open
Peaceful, Patient, Prayerful, Passionate, Pure
Righteous, Resting, Relaxed, Radiant
Self-controlled, Still, Steadfast, Sharing, Strong
Thankful, Trusting, Truthful, Testifying
Unfailing, Unchanging, unafraid, Uplifting
Victorious, Vibrant, Virtuous
Worshipful, Worthy, Wise
Xtrordinaire, Xenophile
Yearning, Yielding
Isn’t that a great list? I’d love to be known as a woman who possessed every single one of these traits.
But I’m not there yet. Far from it. Nor does God expect me to be. God does desire for me to have godly attributes in increasing measure (2 Peter 1:8). In fact, Peter promises that if we are maturing and gaining in our in the attributes listed in 2 Peter 1:6-7, those traits will keep us from being ‘ineffective and unproductive in our knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we don’t possess these traits, we’ll become nearsighted and forget that God has cleansed us from our past sins!
Wow! That’s good motivation to put my to-be’s on my to-do list.
Where do we start?
Beginning with the letter “A,” I want to focus on one attribute each day. Maybe I’ll work on one for an entire week. With each trait, I will:
- Pray that God make me aware of how and when I need to be more of that trait.
- Pray for chances to grow in that area.
- Ponder the meaning of that trait throughout the day.
- Record in my journal how successful I was in reflecting that particular trait.
It sounds like a lot of work. But, like any developed skill, character growth takes hard work. The good news is this: we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to partner with our spirits. We cannot become these things on our own. They are gifts. It is our job to use and develop the gift. But having the joy, peace, or self-discipline that comes from God must do just that – come from
Great idea, Karen. I have an alphabet prayer that is similar. I’ve been watching Bodie Thoene unpack the “Whatsoever things are..” verse, taking each word to pray about and seek in her life. Much like this. What a great list. You are inspiring, my friend.
What a terrific idea from Bodie Thoene! I have to remind myself of the Philippians 4:8 list often. Thanks, Rebecca.
Love this!! 🙂
This is great, Karen.