What a character! Did you ever say that about a child’s antics? Well, I want to be a character. I want to be a Christ-character, someone who looks like Jesus. If I want to become like Jesus, I have to be intentional about it. Tweet this. I have to plan on it and work it into my day just like anything else.
In my last blog I talked about how my Day-Planner needs to reflect a to-be mindset instead of the to-do’s. How do I start living that way?
Here’s a fun project that maybe you can help me out on. Let’s think of “Be” character traits from A to Z. Here’s my list so far. Can you add to it? Note: If I’m trying to get away from finding my self worth in what I accomplish, P is for Productive does not count. 🙂
To get our creative juices going and to help us reflect on what God wants us to be, check out 1 Corinthians 15:58, Col 3:12-17, Ephesians 4:32. Micah 6:8, and Galatians 5:22,23
Here we go!
A ____________
C aring, Courageous, Creative, Content, Cheerful
D aring
E ncouraging
F orgiving, Faithful, forbearing
G enerous, gentle
H oly, humble
I ____________
J ust, joyful
K ind
L oving
M erciful
N _________________
O __________________
P eaceful, Patient, Prayerful
Q _____________
R _____________
S elf-controlled
T hankful, trusting
U _________________
V __________________
W orshipful
X _____________
Y ______________
Z ealous
Each day, I want to write one character trait at the top of my to-do list. Then I want to commit to prayer, asking God’s Holy Spirit to help me exhibit that trait in my life that day. After all, God produces the fruit within us. It’s a partnership deal and we can’t do it without Him.
Your turn! Help me fill in the blanks and add to the list!
I love doing this when I do my devotions, thinking of the traits or characteristics of God. He is so:
Alpha / Awesome
Beautiful / Bountiful
Creator / Caring
Deliverer / Divine
Glorious / Great / Gracious
Healer / Holy
Infinite / Indescribable / I AM
Just / Jealous
King / Kind
Lion and Lamb / Loving
Majestic / Merciful / Messiah
Never-ending / Nurturing
Omnipresent / Omnipotent
Passionate / Pure
Unfailing / Unchanging
Worthy / Wise
Xtraordinare 🙂 (I always struggle with this one)…
I like this approach! If we are to be Christ-like, we can look at what God is and then follow his example. After all, the bible tells us to be imitators of Christ.
Good one! I like that a lot.
I was having such trouble with the letter A. Someone on Facebook mentioned Abounding as in Abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58).
Victorious. Vibrant.
Love this, Karen. 🙂
And I love your contribution. Thanks!
ooh lemme at these 😀 (you know me)
Blessed / Bendable (like flexible) /
Inspired / Innocent / Imitator of Christ
Nonconformist 🙂
Open / Obedient / (maybe a bit Ornery too 😀 )
Resting / Relaxed / Radiant
eXultant / eXtolling (I know this is cheating, but my phonology class is making me fed up with the fact that we even have X as a letter 🙂 )
Okay better one for X– “xenophile.” It means a lover of the stranger, specifically those from other cultures.
Good words, Christine! i like the xenophile.