It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining for the first time in several days. The conference I was attending was wonderful. I smoothed my new jacket and fingered an earring. Yes, I was ready for my day!
As I ambled through the hotel lobby, savoring the moment, a young man loped past me on my right. He was obviously in a hurry.

He reached the set of double doors leading to the outside and pushed through the first set. I suppose I could have been offended that he cut in front of me, but if I was running late like he seemed to be, I hoped someone would have the grace to let me by too.Then it happened. He turned back. He held the door open for me. Wow, that was nice. As I grabbed it and smiled my thanks, he let go and hurried to the next set of doors. Once was nice but this guy is on the move, I thought. Let him go. So I lingered a bit at the first door.
He did it again! He held the second door for me, then was off across the parking lot, gone before I could thank him for his kindness.
In spite of his obvious rush, this stranger took the time to show a simple kindness. It became yet another grace sighting, a time when someone was willing to sacrifice their own schedule to seek the good of someone else.
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