Next week, I’ll be attending for the first time the American Christian Fiction Writer’s conference (ACFW) in St. Louis, Missouri. Some of us writer types are trying to get to know each other before we hit the floor of the conference center and mingle with 500+ other writers.
Someone has organized an online mix and mingle where we answer questions about our writing. If you are going to the ACFW conference, here’s some things you might like to know about me. If you follow my blog because you know me or follow the Grace on Parade ministry, here’s a sneak preview into another section of my life and ministry.
Here are the questions and my answers!
Name: Karen Wingate
Location: Roseville, IL
What you write/tagline/trademark: Historical Fiction/Empowering you to spread the fragrance of God’s grace everywhere.
Place in the book world: Pre-published author represented by Linda S. Glaz of the Hartline Literary Agency. I have two completed manuscripts and am currently working on my third. I have published several educational curriculum book.
On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: I’m like my Welsh Corgi. I’d like to know you before I hug you but if you get a hug from me, it’s from the bottom of my toes.
The unique talking point that will get you going for hours: Northeast Ohio history, and my ladies’ bible study network.
Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: My husband and the Welsh Corgi – you decide which order.
Conference goals we can pray for? That my books will find their perfect publishing home, for peace during pitches, that in spite of my visual limitation I’ll find where I need to go, and that God will use me to be a blessing to someone else.
One or two ways we can help you build your platform: You can like my Facebook author page and follow me on Twitter!
Now it’s your turn. If you plan to attend ACFW and would like us to know you better, head over to Laurie’s site here and link up if you want to join in and meet other ACFW conferees:
If you see me, come introduce yourself. See you there!
Yay! Nice to “meet” you. Just signed up for your newsletter. Not sure the extent of your visual limitation, but I know EVERYONE will be happy to help you in any way you need it. Don’t hesitate to ask or worry about that for one second
You’ll be in my prayers for a blessed and fruitful conference experience!
Thanks Laurie. I don’t “read” name tags so if you see me At ACFW, holler at me.
Hi Karen! I will be praying for you. I hope you have a great conference, and hopefully I’ll see you there!
Hi Brandy, looking forward to meeting you as well.