In just a few hours, I hop on a bus to attend the American Christian Fiction Writer’s (ACFW) Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.
I’m excited. God always does such marvelous things, things that can’t be explained in other way than provision from a loving God. I get to meet new friends. I have the chance to learn more and get better at the craft I dearly love – writing. And I just might connect with an editor who captures the same passion for my stories that I have.

I say all that to say this:
First, would you pray for me that God will continue to expand my writing ministry?
Also, since I’ll be gone the rest of the week and I didn’t get to schedule some blogs ahead of time, I won’t be able to post again until early next week.
So, mark the calendar and save the date. Come back to Grace on Parade. I plan to have more stories abou sightings of God’s grace to share with you.
In the meantime, keep being that sweet fragrance the world so desperately craves.
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