It’s time for another book giveaway. Come on, children’s ministry volunteers! Help me clean out my box of author’s copies. This week I’m offering my second book in the series Five Minute Sunday School Activities: “God is Great.”
Our kids are bombarded with diversity messages. Relativity reigns! Any way is the right way if that’s the way you want to follow. Jesus is fine but no better than any other religious figure. That’s what the world wants our children to believe.
And that’s why it is increasingly important that we teach our children what makes our God distinctive and more worthy of our attention and devotion than any other thing in this world. Forty-two lessons in this book portray God as Judge, King and Savior, and will show the children in your life why the Lord God Almighty is worthy of our worship.
If you would like a chance to own a copy of this curriculum guide, leave a comment or send me an email. Tell me this: What is the most important thing you think we need to teach children? Please, INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!! If you are uncomfortable sharing that publicly, simply contact me through my contact page.
We’ll hold a random drawing and announce the lucky winner next week.
That God loved them FIRST and He is always there with them through ANYTHING.
Oh, that’s a message our kids desperately need to hear today!
Don’t enter me in the drawing. I just want to say that the 5 minute SS books are worth their weight in gold, and this sounds like a great theme.
Thanks so much, Tamara. I think the 5-Minute Sunday School Activitees with the reproducible pages are a great concept too and I really, really, REALLY enjoyed adding three books to this wonderful series!