When were you the most hungry or thirsty? What did you do about it?
Bible Passage: John 4:1-13
Key Verse: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” – Matthew 5:6
Digging Into The Word
1. What other Bible verses or stories can you think of that talk about craving God or longing to follow His ways? For starters, see Ps 42:1,2 and John 4:1-13. Why does the Bible compare our longing for God to the longing for food or drink?
2. How is the idea of hungering for righteousness or seeking God a radical idea in religion? How do most people view the concept of living a righteous life?

3. Craving God is one of several images the Bible uses to describe our inner attitude toward a relationship with God. Another is that is that of seeking God in the same way we would look for a lost item. See Deuteronomy 4:29, Proverbs 8:17, Mt 7:8, 13:44-46, Luke 15:1-10. What is the difference between the image of hungering and the image of seeking? Why does God want us to seek him with all of our heart?
4.When we long to know the right thing to do, what does the Bible tell us we can do about it? See James 1:5,6.
5. According to our key verse and many of these other verses, what will happen when we long for and search for God? How is this reassuring to you?

6. Would you describe your current craving for righteousness as:
a. do it because I must
b. I’m satisfied with a little bit. A little dab will do me.
c. knowing and understanding God is the primary focus of my life.
What’s Next?
How satisfied are you with your current relationship with God? Jesus says if you aren’t satisfied, then you are exactly where you need to be!
What do you plan to do this week in order to know God better and follow Him more closely? What do you need to let go of or give up?
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