Do something special for your hard working Vacation Bible School staff. Create a Hospitality Room that provides healthy snacks and drinks, and a pleasant relaxing environment. If they’ve had to skimp on supper to be there in time, they’ll appreciate protein packed snacks like this recipe for Cheesy Bean Dip.
How to pamper your Children’s Ministry voluneers.
Base your VBS program or other children’s ministry special events on a rotation schedule so staff members can take a break during the sessions to get a bite to eat, put their feet up, and have a chance to interact with each other.
Our church found that the “Staff Break Room” provided a great place for workers to fellowship and relax. It’s a wonderful way to show the teachers and workers that we appreciate their ministry to the children and we care how they are doing throughout each evening. We ask a different couple to play host and hostess each night who bring a variety of healthy and sweet snacks and visit with workers, offering encouragement and prayer if needed. Our main Break Room coordinator fills an ice chest with soft drinks and bottled water and prepares a pot of decaf coffee. We tried to offer more substantial snacks the first night, like pulled pork sliders or chicken salad sandwiches so those who haven’t had a chance to eat supper will have something more substantial to eat.
Getting Others Involved.
This year, my special friend, Makayla Wainman, brought food for Thursday night. She made an awesome bean dip that she has graciously given me the recipe to share with all of you. In addition to a VBS hospitality room spread, this easy to fix dip would work well the next time you need to provide a snack for a teen or adult gathering. Makayla doubled the recipe and put it in a small crock pot. Don’t forget the tortilla chips!

Cheesy Bean Dip
- small crock pot
- 1 8 oz pkg cream cheese
- 1 8 oz pkg shredded Colby cheese
- 1 16 oz can refried beans
- Place all ingredients in a small crock pot. Heat on low 2-3 hours or until the cream cheese melts. Stir well and keep warm.
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