It’s time to announce the winner of our first Children’s Ministry curriculum book giveaway. I’m giving one of my recently published Five Minute Sunday School Activities books, Built On a Rock – 42 easy-to-prepare lessons about Christ Church.
Hmm. How does one conduct a book giveaway? This was truly scientific. I wrote each name on a separate slip of paper from a La Quinta Inn notepad, folded them carefully in quarters and placed them in a brand new University of Arizona ball cap. Go Wildcats. Make it past the Sweet 16 this year, ‘ya hear?
Then I made my husband close his eyes and select one. If it had been me, I would have peeked. Goodness, I wanted all of you to win. You all sound like you have such exciting opportunitie

s to share God’s word with His beloved children.
Enough delaying! The winner is . . . .
Pam Eubanks!
Pam and her husband Brian have worked as directors of the Deaf Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio since both our families were young and small. Pam is the most hospitable and gracious person I know. She has such a passion to share Jesus with anyone she meets and doesn’t let a little thing like deafness or someone’s age deter her from sharing Jesus. I know she’ll use the ideas in this book for her grandchildren, her neighborhood children, the children in her church and the deaf children she meets. If an idea doesn’t work for her specific group, she’ll adapt it until it does work. And that’s exactly what I want anyone to do with the lessons within the pages of this curriculum or any other curriculum. Make it work for you.
If you didn’t win, or you didn’t have a chance to enter, check back often. I have two more titles for a giveaway and we’ll be offering those in a couple of weeks.
In the meantime, keep sharing the grace and love of Jesus with everyone – including the children.
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