love electrical storms. Even before the eye surgery that gave me better than ever eyesight in one eye, I loved watching the sky light up in unpredictable patterns. I stood in the middle of our driveway, counting seconds between flashes of light and booms of thunder, daring the storm to force me inside. To me, storms were exciting and invigorating.

What I Love About Lightning Storms
Now that I can see better, I appreciate the storm detail even more. I can see the feathered edge of the lightning bolt and the outline of billowing rain-laden clouds, backlit by obscured cloud to cloud flashes. How breathtakingly beautiful!
What do I find amazing about lightening? Like sunsets, every strike is different. Like lunar eclipses, each strike is unpredictable. Lightning has an elusive beauty. And then there’s the sheer power contained within each bolt, exhilarating if you aren’t too close!
Why did God create lightning? What is its purpose?
Lightning is certainly nature’s emergency public alert system. It’s a telltale sign of the power of the oncoming storm so we know how seriously to take the call to take cover. But, after doing a Word Search on my favorite Bible app, I discovered, like I did with so many other of natures’ displays in my book With Fresh Eyes, that there is a spiritual component to God’s creation of lightning.
According to the Bible, what does lightning tell us about God?
- God is the creator of lightning (Jeremiah 51:16) Electrical storms become moments of worship, a wonderful time to praise the God of creation who made such power and beauty.
- Lightning is created to praise God. The strobe lights of lightening and powerful booms of thunder are actually part of nature’s worship team! Psalm 148:7-9).
- God sends the lightning as a display of His power (Job 36:32; 37:3,11,15) It’s easy to get caught up in amazement at the power of lightning in its own merit. But we need to remember that lightning is merely a symbol and display of the exponentially greater power of God.
- Lightning is a peek around the curtain of clouds that lets us glimpse the glory of God (Psalm 18:12). You think lightening is bright and powerful; just wait till you see God in all His splendor, seated on Heaven’s throne.
- God controls the lightning (Job 37:15, 38:35). While I need to respect the power of lightning and not do stupid things like stand outside in a puddle of water when it strikes three seconds before the thunder sounds, I do not need to fear it. I need to fear the God who creates and controls it.
- Lightning indicates how bright the sky will be when Jesus returns (Luke 17:23-25). No one will miss that this is the moment of Christ’s return. Every flash of lightning you see can become your personal prompt to praise God that Jesus will come back soon.

Your Turn:
Check your weather app. When is your next predicted storm? Get out your calendar and mark out that time as a time out with God. Stand outside (not in a puddle, please) and worship the God of lightning and thunder. Praise Him that:
- He created and controls the lightning
- He displays His mighty power through each bolt.
- He is coming again with a display of power that will make lightning bolts look like wimpy flashlight beams.
Then sing your favorite worship song: How Great is Our God. How Great Thou Art. God of Wonders. This is My Father’s World. Join the song as all nature sings—God is the ruler yet.
Hear Amy Grant sing these wonderful words in “This Is My Father’s World.”
Good morning Karen,
The song that came to mind just now is “How Great Thou Art”. We do love watching the storms come in and this monsoon season has been wonderful!
Have a great day!
“I hear the rolling thunder/Thy power throughout the universe displayed . . .” Perfect example!
Karen –
Your email asked for the song that comes to my mind when I think of God’s awesome Creation.
It can only be “So Will I / A Hundred Billon Times” by Hillsong United. Bless you for coming to
my mailbox today.