Is there someone in your life that seems to make a point of not getting along with you? Have you ever encountered someone intent to bring you down—spiritually, emotionally, or in your reputation? Are you being harassed, bullied, or smeared? If so, do you have any idea why this person has targeted you?
David had someone in his life who was “out to get him.”
Read Psalm 7
The Bible does not mention this Cush, a Benjaminite, anywhere else in the Bible. Yet we know David had plenty of other enemies, most of all King Saul. There was also Doeg, Saul’s chief Shepherd, who in the name of the king, was ready to bring down David (1 Samuel 21:7, 22-9-18). David’s own son Absalom, was ready to sacrifice his father on the altar of his lust for power.
1. In verse 1, what is David’s solution when faced with people who actively pursue him to bring him down? What lesson can you learn in dealing with people who want to trip you up for your faith?
2. In verses 3-5, David admits that he may be part of the problem. Have you seen broken relationships where people have made their own mess? How have you been responsible for fueling the hostility between you and another? What advice does Scripture give? Romans 12:18-21, Matthew 5:44, 1 Peter 3:9-17.
3. Christians will be attacked for their righteousness. According to Matthew 5:11,12, what should be our attitude?
4. What is David’s prayer for wicked people in verses 6-9? Is David out of line to pray this prayer? Read verses 10-16. Think of some of the other passages we have read in Psalms that tell God’s plans for the wicked. When evil people attempt to harm us, bait us to react, or seek revenge for our righteous way of life, what does God intend to do to such wicked people?
5. David has wrestled with his reactions to wicked people out to harm him personally. Read verse 17. What is David’s final decision on the matter? How can David do this?
6. Think again about the contentious people in your life. We’ve learned several coping mechanisms:
Watch our reactions that we don’t repay evil with evil.
As much as it depends on us, be at peace with the other person.
Pray for those who seek to bring us down.
Keep doing what is right.
Seek refuge in God. Fix our focus on what He does right rather than on what others do wrong.
My landlord Is always bothering me about my son telling me what she heard an it don’t even be him people do so many things where I live a. She said nothing except one of my friends that stays where I live I don’t feel comfortable out here but I can’t move cause I have to break my lease an I’m on housing.jus don’t no what to do I pray I have so much anger.
How difficult for you! Before I read your comment, I was reading from ! Peter 2, how we ought not to fear suffering for doing what is right. You keep living the way God wants you to. Your aim is to please God. Stand tall, my friend. And may your landlord see Christ in you and be led to back down and draw closer in his own relationship to Jesus. I’m praying for you.
I’m newly hired. My immediate supervisor continues to harass me in the form of reporting lies and bringing me in front of the HR department. When she funds out she’s wrong…she never apologizes nor do she stop. She just tries to find descepencies to write up. I pray daily for her because she’s very bitter and envious of me. She’s made do many indirect statements and very unprofessional, I’ve even asked my supervisors manager if I could be removed from my current department but nothings been done. Please pray for me…its so draining to work in a hostile environment, even as a Christian
I am praying for you. May the Holy Spirit use your life as a testimony to the Lord’s power and love. May those around you see your quiet and gentle spirit and begin to crave to have what you have. Read Psalm 7 again; in fact, read more of the Psalms. David felt harassed too and he constantly found his strength in God.
I am constantly being harassed by a director. It’s made my life miserable. I am applying for other jobs outside of my current employer.
I ask for prayers in helping me to find a job that will utilize my skills. Immediately.
I’m pausing to pray for you now, Max. In the meantime, take the words of this blog post to heart. Ask God to strengthen you so you can endure the mistreatment. May your faith shine strong before those who would mistreat. May they see Jesus in you.
My son is out trying t make a living for his wife and children, my you is wife has 4 children, does not belong to him, and my son is out as a truck driver, trying to keep a roof over her head and her children. She is so ungrateful. Never stop harassing him about other when, always disrespecting him inwards and what ever else she can degrade him with. Please pray with me that my son has some sort of peace of mind on the highways and always of the highway. Please pray with me that she is expelled from his life. Jesus name I pray Amen
David in the Bible was harassed a lot too. I’m praying your son finds strength in God and looks to Him for comfort. Why not share Psalm 7 with him and remind Him that God loves both of you and will look out for you.
I owe my friend money and we have worked out a payment plan. Even so, she refuses to stop harassing and threatening me everyday. She makes me feel afraid of my safety everyday. It has gotten so bad that I get panic attacks when I think about her. The daily psychological and emotional torture has affected my work and home life. I beg her to please stop, but she won’t. What can I do?
The answer to your question is in Psalm 7. I encourage you – read it! Read it three times. Tell me what answers you find.
I am a Christian and I work in a hospital as a nursing assistant and some nurses who say they are Christians and other nurses as well, call my name continually. I can tell they love barking orders at me and it has reached the point where it feels oppressive. When I sit in solitude I have peace, but when I am in a patient’s room with these nurses, they talk at me as if they want to belittle me. I have prayed and fasted and now I don’t work with them as often, but I still feel upset when I know that I have to see them. I am praying continually for God’s guidance that I won’t become an angry person, because my husband has noticed that I am more hostile than ever, because of my frustration of dealing with these nurses
Isaiah 49:16 promises that God has engraved you on the palm of his hand. Every time those nurses call out your name, it is a sweet sound to our Lord. Walk in the confidence that He loves you dearly. Also, I challenge you to follow the Biblical command of repaying evil with good. Take the initiative. Greet them by name before they can call out to you. While they may not change, others, especially the patients, are noticing. When my husband was in the hospital, we so deeply appreciated the kindness of the nurses who in the midst of conversations let us know that they were Christians. You could tell the difference. Shine as a bright light for Jesus where you are and focus on the sweet moments of ministering to others!
Yes, awhile back, I became aware of my need to have more confidence, and I should also be more sociable with the nurses. I usually see things they forget to do, that can put them in trouble with our Supervisor (eg: when they draw blood and forget to label the tube of blood) and I remind them to correct their mistakes, so they won’t lose their jobs. I will continue to do this and to do them good. My name Stacey in the Biblical studies means resurrection, so when they call me, even for trivial things or to make themselves feel important, I see them speaking God’s resurrection into my life.I am so ready to try these suggestions. Thanks and God bless
I am so thankful for these encouraging words. God bless you continually 😊
Please pray for me ,i am at my with’s end .i have a supervisor who have been harassing me for years i have spoken to his supervisor and wehave sat and had conversations about this many times where he has admitted he was wrong but still the harassment continues.iam a supervisor junior to him and he is now going to workers i am supervising encoraging them to be dilinquent in there duty and disrespectful to me and will then start harassing them if they don’t.
I’ve paused to pray for you. David, the psalmist, knows what it is like to be harassed. Jesus knows too. The Pharisees were always nipping at his heels. Go to the Word of God, immerse yourself in it. REad Psalm 7 again and ask yourself, how did David handle his troubles? In spite of how others treat you, I pray that your belief in God and your godly character will shine brightly to those around you and under your supervision.
I am very heartbroken , my Son is quite guy , the is being harassed on his job by his team members and supervisor, the group that harassed him had been working at the factory for 11 years , my son recently hire and had worked in the area he is being harassed at for 39 days . He said all want to do us work and return home . They harassed him about not having kids at age 37 , his work clothes , the school he attended etc . He I believe tried my son to make friend s with them , the group gang up on him and harness him he does not fit the group negative behavior because is a positive person. The supervisor and boss does not teach him the job problem and tell him he has a learning problem . I am deeply hurt about this situation even though he is not a kid , but an individual with s kind loving spirit. We do pray I told him to pray for the guidance from the Holy Spirit and ask God to cover him with the blood of Jesus each time he enter his work place for God protection.
I’m in a situation where I owe this person money and I told him I would send him a certain amount, but it turned aggressive texting. And I’m praying Lord I don’t know what to do.
My neighbours harass through the wall…. awful !
Looking for another place to live. Please Jesus help me find a good and peaceful dwelling to live in.
Please Lord help me with this .
I have left my stalker In Gods hands. Meanwhile I am waiting patiently as I can, while this person continues to call and harass my phone leaving harassing and annoying voicemails. Following me to and from my work at home. How long will I have to wait as meanwhile this is making me sick from the stress of it all even though I am trying not to let it stress me. Need advice. Restraining order not good idea with my current health issues as I cannot go to court. Stress too much.
this is very helpful! Thank you for providing me with this Biblical wisdom.