Yesterday, our daughter left to serve as a cross-cultural worker overseas. Her service organization reuqired her to raise her own support, a task many short and long term workers find distastful at first. Yet the last six months have been a beautiful reassurring faith-builder for her and for many others as we have seen God provide money and services in ways we could have never predicted.
When God Calls, He Also Provices
One man new to our church had just started a catered meal ministry outreach. He decided to hold a benefit dinner for our duaghter. As one family walked to the church that evening, the two small girls discovered the street was strewn with spare change.

“Can we pick it up?” they asked. The wise mother said, “Let’s pretend it’s pennies from Heaven and give it to Christine.” The two small girls eagerly collected change and deposited it in the basket that evening. We have no idea how much it was. When I showed surpirse about spare change on the street, the mother nodded in agreement. “It was a lot of change!” Those little girls are now two of Christine’s prayer warriors.She was also required to make legal arrangements in the case of her death. Our family knows no lawyers and we stressed over how much she would need to pay. My other daughter heard that an elder in her church was a lawyer so she asked him how we should proceed. He and his wife invited the two girls to their home, drew up all the necessary paperwork that evening and signed as witnesses. When they asked how much they owed, he simply said, “Just go do good things where you are going.”
“I don’t deserve any of this,” my daughter said to me. “Why would God choose me to go?” I feel no less humbled by all of this. Why would God want to use any of us? Why would God supply our needs in such unusual, delightful ways? It’s because God delights to show His amazing power and love through ordinary people so He can transform others with His extraordinary love. He needs nothing else from us except a willing spirit. It’s just how His amazing grace works.
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